Junk food is food that contains high levels of fat, salt, sugar and energy and lacks nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals. Junk food is called junk because it is harmful for our health if we take it in excess.
Cakes, Biscuits, Fast food such as burger, pizzas etc, Chocolates & Sweets, Processed meats, Snacks such as chips, bhujia, sugary drinks like cold drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, sports cold drinks etc, Alcoholic drinks, Protein bars, Candies etc.
1. Junk food can lead to obesity.
2. It can lead to high risk of cardiovascular diseases.
3. It can negatively impact energy levels.
4. It can also affect emotional well being negatively.
5. It can lead to hyper activity in children.
6. Eating junk food affect the brain in the same way as consuming addictive drugs. Habit of eating junk is
very addictive. You get addicted to junk food.
7. It can lead to stunted growth.
8. It can also lowers your immunity.
Have you ever thought that why you like fatty foods, junk foods, sweets and spicy food so much? Why you eat them again and again? Scientists studied this and found that our brain respond to drugs and food in same manner. Dopamine, a chemical is released when we eat junk food.
It is a natural chemical messenger that is released from brain. It is associated with expectation of reward that gives feeling of pleasure. That’s why when we eat junk food, dopamine is released that gives feel good rush and we feel attracted and addicted to junk food.
Here, I want to share one thing that No food is good or bad. The quantity of food, the time of eating that food, the way we eat that food make it good or bad. For eg if we eat 4-5 apples together with lunch and that too in anger, then the otherwise healthy food will become bad food. In contrast, if we eat one home made burger otherwise called junk food as mid-morning snack happily, not in guilt, then the otherwise unhealthy food will become good food. So, eating food at right time, in right amounts and in right way is very important.
You must learn how to read food labels so that you can make your own decision that which food is better for you and which is bad for you. Don’t get fooled by the advertising and packaging of food product by the food companies. Reading food labels is very important for making smart choices. In a food product, it’s all about taste. There will not be any sales if the product is not tasty. So, food companies spent crores of rupees on recipe that is addictive, on advertisement that show that the product is healthy and on packaging that is attractive. This is the trap of food companies and we have to save ourselves from this trap. Spare 2 minutes and just read food labels because you yourself are responsible for what you are putting in your system. You must decide yourself that should you eat that particular food or not. We think that high fiber biscuits, oats biscuits, high protein bars, low fat chips are healthy. But if we read their labels carefully, then we will know the truth… High fiber biscuits may be very high in sugar, oats biscuits may contain very little oats, low fat chips may be very high in sodium. Natural juices may contain high sugar and artificial essences. One more example, everybody knows MSG is bad. But now days they are writing Hydrogenated vegetable protein in place of MSG. What a dhokla and we are falling prey to these dhokhas.
1. The more the packet is fancy, colorful, the more it is unhealthy. If the packet has photos of your favourite superheroes, actors, sports persons, then that product is attracting you. So, don’t get fooled by advertising and packaging.
2. SERVING SIZE- Always check serving size written on the back of packet. If the product does not mention serving size, drop the pack. For eg. serving size mentioned on the packet of chips of 20 rs is 20 gms, that is almost 7 chips. Weight of total packet is 50 gms. But who eats 20 Rs packet in 30 gos ?
3. Check calories per serving. Sometimes total calories are mentioned only, not calories per serving. In that case, you can calculate calories per serving by dividing total calories and number of servings.
4. Check the first three ingredients in the ingredients list. Ingredients are mentioned in descending order and the first ingredient is the major ingredient. If there is sugar in the first three ingredients, then the product is a desert. And most importantly, sugar is not written as sugar. Sugar is written in different names so that no body knows that product contain so much sugar like dextrose, molasses, fructo-oligosaccharides, sucrose, fructose, lactose, glucose, galactose, maltose, invert Sugar, raw sugar, brown sugar, confectioners sugar, granulated sugar, corn syrup, HCFS (High Corn Fructose syrup), maple syrup, honey etc. If you check the ingredients of oats biscuits, you will see that in majority of oats Biscuits, first 3 major ingredients are maida, sugar and fats. No oats in major ingredients. They add little oats and call them oats Biscuits.
5. Look for keywords. Many a times, ingredient list contain such names that you don’t understand at all. You don’t know whether they are healthy or unhealthy. Thats why, look for keywords such as Refined flour, Hydrogenated Fat, Partially hydrogenated fat, Trans fat, HCFS (High Corn Fructose Syrup). If product contains one of these, then drop the product because our body doesn’t know how to breakdown these. These can form plaque inside our body causing blockage or weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. These are generally found in canned foods, desserts and flavoured yoghurts, baked products, jams, jellies and ketchups. One thing to tell that HCFS (High Corn Fructose syrup) is the worst kind of sugar.
6. The more long the ingredients list is, easier it is for you to drop the product. Natural products don’t need much ingredients. If it is a packet of walnuts, it is just walnuts. If it is mix of 2 or 3 things, then there are 2 or 3 things in ingredients list. Long ingredients list means many preservatives, colorants, chemicals, stabilizers, enhancers. These can be very harmful and can lead to autism, allergies and many other problems.
7. Check for fiber content. If the product has less than 2 gm fiber per serving, you must drop the product. Legally, it is compulsory to mention fiber content. Any product with less than 20 gms fiber per serving will spike your blood sugar levels and will upset your stomach.
1. Drink lots of water on the day you eat junk food as junk food causes dehydration.
2. Have junk food in moderation as moderation is the key.
3. Have healthy food along with junk food like fruits, raw salad, soaked nuts and seeds so that over all protein and fiber content is increased and total meal doesn’t spike blood sugar levels.
4. In junk food, avoid refined flour, high fat foods and high sugary foods.
5. Timing of eating junk food is very important. Don’t eat junk food at night. Have it in mid-
morning or lunch.
6. If you are eating junk food in one of the meals, plan the other meals according in healthy manner.
1. Identify your triggers.
2. Train yourself to tolerate cravings. Cravings might last few minutes.
3. Plan your meals.
4. Replace addictive foods with healthy food you like.
5. Limit your child’s early exposure.
6. Reduce your intake of added sugar.
7. Manage your stress.
8. Give yourself a break. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Leave this habit slowly and steadily.
For customized and individualized diet plans, Contact:-
Neena’s Diet Clinic
Dietician Neena
Course in low FODMAP diet for IBS
from Monash University, Australia
Certified Diabetes Educator
Life Member of IDA